African watchdog
2 min readMar 25, 2021

Farmajo’s delayed election puts ‘smile’ on the faces of dictators.

Trying at his best. of vote-rigging, shooting peaceful protesters at Mogadishu. and intimidation and of his opponents, attacking former presidents in the wake of delayed elections, all by the embattled incumbent President Farmaajo are gifts to the world’s dictators and challenge to International partners to call out antidemocratic behavior in Somalia.

Since his term ended in February 8, 2021, Farmajo has launched sustained assault on the basic tenets of Somalian. democracy

Farmaajo ignoring US Government warning of his contemptible behavior has weakened the moral authority of the U.S. government when speaking out about other countries’ elections, and that adversarial posture of farmajo will embolden dictators around the world,” The U.S. is the leading democracy in the world.

“If Farmajo continues to steal elections in Somalia , then he’s only going to put a smile on the face of dictators like President Putin, President Xi,” and President Afwerki.

For decades, the U.S. and International partners have. been on the forefront of Somalia’s democracy-building efforts, they should. quick to call out Farmajo who’s challenged democratic norms for too long. It has come the time to tell farmajo to stop the nonsense and do the write thing which is to allow Somalis to decide their future without manipulation and misuse of expired authority.

Abdiaziz Amalo

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