Farmajo’s Remote Control on Prime Minister Rooble
In 1964 the first remote control for a TV was created. Sometime after that, the TV watching experience changed forever. The remote made it easier to watch and control the television. Quite possibly last year Farmaajo nominated Prime Minister , while the remote control helps TV viewing, leadership remote control doesn’t help Somalia at all.
When you have a toddler you are always watching them, trying to protect them from making a mistake like breaking something or injuring themselves. Unfortunately, Farmajo treat his members of him the same way. If you are used to watching regularly and correctly people, you will naturally wonder how you can do this when you can’t see the people because they are not near you. This worry has led to edicts of always on webcams, keystroke software and more. Trying to create leadership remote control is based on the faulty assumption that Farmaajo team members need the same watchful eye as a toddler.
Prime Minister Rooble is an adult who can think, reason, and communicate as a leader. Farmaajo should treat him and expect him to contribute to his own success. Rather than continuing to watch and guide, help him understand Farmaajo and Fahad’s perspective and needs and trust him to make his own judgment to the best of his ability to fulfill his responsibility and oath of office.
Rooble can be safe and successful without former President Farmaajo and his team watchful eyes.
Farmaajo’s role can become one of helping Rooble succeed rather than checking on his work. After all, if Farmaajo doesn’t know what success is, how likely will Rooble succeed?
My Best,
Abdiaziz Amalo