Prime Minister Roble’s Consultative Meeting will be a bridge to nowhere if all issues are not addressed properly .
The people of Hiran Region accuse. Prime Minister Rooble of having “tossed a stick of dynamite into a tinderbox by ignoring representatives of Hiiran. Region especially the Hawaadle clan who’s the majority in Hiiran region.
The people of Hiran are critical of Rooble’s reckless decision to start the National consultive meeting with the absence of the people of Hiiran which may cause outbreak of a major conflict and instability across Hirshabelle Region as witnessed lately of the start of fratricidal clan wars.
The Villa Somalia group of Farmaajo and Fahad Yasin head of Somali intelligence agency created an atmosphere where they usurped the election of Hirshabelle that took place six months ago colluding with some corrupt Hawaadle politicians and Vice President Guudlawe. whose moral compasses are based on illegally gained money through corruption and mismanagement. This illegitimate process took place without consultations of the stake holders of the two affected regions. Now the corrupt above stated group is trying to legitimize what was done in the dark so that they can get new set of national legislators since they already selected the regional legislature to pave the way for the second term for the presidency of Somalia by the incumbent Farmaajo Administration.
The Solidarity Movement that started in. Hiiran with The Hiiran liberation front with their followers numbering tens of thousands of people took to the streets in Beletweyne following a disputed election, in which embattled former President Farmaajo’s sham Election in Hirshabelle. The Hirshabelle authorities have reacted with brutality;demonstrators have been arrested and there have been numerous allegations of torture in detention centers in Beledweyne . Despite all this provocation the movement itself has remained largely peaceful. Hirshabelle for six months failed to elect new cabinet or arrange the meetings of the legislature.
PM. Rooble’s latest manipulation and ignoring of the grievances and complaints of Hiran region while putting the grievances of Gedo Region on the negotiation table is without doubt bias and creating regional preferences and this if not addressed properly will degenerate into political upheaval and instability that will demolish Hirshabelle state. which was built on arm twisting and mutual understanding. put in place. 5 years ago.
Somalia’s upcoming elections requires strong, sustained support from all partners and stakeholders to prevent any back slipping to civil war era status. to foster a path to a peaceful transition of power and new president for our country.
Abdiaziz Amalo