Somalia and Ethiopia’s. new relationship between the (Khat)drug trade and. fisheries.
Ethiopian delegation arrived in Mogadishu to sign agreement for Somalia to import fish and swap fish for Khat from Ethiopia.
The deal will put hard currency money for the pockets of minister of Fisheries and his accomplices. to buy MP seats in the upcoming elections.
Minister of Fisheries used to be Chef in Somali Restaurant (Xamdi Restaurant)at Toronto, Canada not long before he became minister of Fisheries.
There are fears that oversupply , cheap and easy access of Khat could make Khat chewing more widespread among children and women.
Somali people will never benefit this deal because Khat chewing causes mental illnesses and family break-ups.
Somali Government hasn’t share the public yet details of the trade agreement with Ethiopia the deal unanimously approved by the President and Prime minister offices.
Abdiaziz Amalo