African watchdog
2 min readDec 23, 2021

The dangers of do or die politics of Farmaajo

Politics in Somalia is at an alarming stage whereby elections is now a do or die affair and Farmaajo feels. the right “he must rule by force.” This situation is creating a scenario of panic in the society.

The inability of many politicians to secure fair and free election has led to the. chaos saga, which has created more tension between Farmaajo and Presidential candidates jostling for the same offices.

Incidentally, this however, has diverted the focus of the government in the election, its war against terrorism thus leading to the ineffectual handling of criminal activities- theft, killing of innocent civilians -, and to the flare up. of. regional wars among others.

These issues and other state policies, if not properly managed, they might be catastrophic.

Partisan politics should be cast aside for now and more focus put on tackling the problems Somalia is facing because Farmajo is clearly a lawless and rogue president who represents a clear and present danger to Somalia . The path in which Somalia is treading is a threat to the continued peace, unity and prosperity of the place Somalis call their. home.

This is not the Somalia Farmaajo inherited from his predecessors.

Somali leaders need to trail carefully and focus more on pressing matters facing the nation at hand irrespective of politicians , because events unfolding from Alshabaab insurgency, political violence, corruption, nepotism, tribalism, indiscipline, abduction, kidnapping, murder and extortion among others, are clear indicators of a failing state.

In order for this crisis facing Somalia as a country not to escalate into a civil war, Farmaajo should not be a do or die affair. Rather, US — in addition to International Partners along with the Prime Minister — to swiftly implement the appropriate constitutional remedies to remove Farmajo from office.

Abdiaziz Amalo

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